Pythagoras Halle

Event Information

Pythagoras Halle

Event Type:
Choral, Play With Music

Record Information


Last Updated:
21 January 2016

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

07 Oct 1867, Evening

Program Details

This concert was the debut of the Liederhain men’s chorus. A social dance followed.
The unidentified duet was sung by Mr. Frensel and Mr. Dehnhoff.

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Abt
Composer(s): Unknown composer
aka Kock und Guste
Text Author: Friedrich
Composer(s): Rebling


Review: New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung und Herold, 08 October 1867, 8.

This youngest men’s chorus of New York was founded only three months ago. Yesterday was its first public performance. Mostly consisting of older singers, a satisfactory, entertaining evening performance was created with no effort. Abt’s “Waldandacht” was followed by a prologue spoken by Mr. L. Rennecke. A duet, sung by Mr. Frensel and Mr. Dehnhoff, received much applause. The vaudeville farce Köck und Guste caused the audience to break into laughter frequently.

A ‘tableau’ with the title “Der Sängerhain”, arranged by Mr.Voigt, depicts the representatives of every time period in choral singing, standing under an oak tree, guarding the genies of music and song. Rehling’s choral piece “Abschied vom Walde”, arranged for four voices, concluded the concert and led into social dance.

Review: New-Yorker Musik-Zeitung, 12 October 1867, 153.

The youngest of our choruses, the men’s chorus Liederhain, gave its debut at Pythagoras Hall on Monday in front of a large audience. The choral pieces performed showed us that although only a few months old, the chorus was able to impress with an efficient performance. However, the dramatic comedic performances that alternated with the choral ones, moved the audiences to enthusiastic applause. The men Voigt (president), Fenzel, Dehnhoff and others, and Mrs. Bennecke were the stars of the evening. (…)