Kelly and Leon’s Minstrels

Event Information

Kelly and Leon's Minstrels Hall (720 Broadway)

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
24 February 2016

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

23 Sep 1867, Evening
24 Sep 1867, Evening
25 Sep 1867, Evening
26 Sep 1867, Evening
27 Sep 1867, Evening
28 Sep 1867, Matinee
28 Sep 1867, Evening

Performers and/or Works Performed


Announcement: New York Clipper, 21 September 1867, 190.

“Mr. A.L. Parkes, treasurer of Kelly & Leon’s Minstrels, takes a benefit on Saturday afternoon, the 28th inst.  Mr. Parkes has, during his engagement with this party, proved himself every way qualified for the arduous duties.  He has caused a revolution in the style of advertising the company.  He has by his originality attracted the attention of not only the public, but even those who have made advertising a specialty.  Much of the success of this company is due to Mr. Parkes, for if a company is not well advertised how is the public to know of its doings.”

Advertisement: New York Herald, 22 September 1867.
Review: New York Herald, 26 September 1867, 7.

“Complete, perfect and manifold are the attractions at this Thespian Temple. Light as are the trifles they offer, they suit the taste of the public, and are executed with an exquisite finish, mingled with natural humorous pathos. Last night their hall was filled to repletion. Their ballads and various choruses were original and commendatory. A discerning public places Leon with Delehanty and Hengler, in the front rank of illustrious Ethiops, and laughs immoderately at their original witticisms. Exquisite taste and perfect delineation are the characteristics of this troupe.”

Advertisement: New York Clipper, 28 September 1867, 199.
Features Identical Ad about Saturday benefit concert in English, Italian, German, French, and something resembling Spanish (unidentifiable as either Spanish or Portuguese due to what appear to be spelling errors).