Terrace Garden
Proprietor / Lessee:
Philipp Bernet
George Matzka
Price: $.25
Event Type:
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
2 February 2018
“According to promise several classic pieces were again performed at the Terrace Garden Concert last night. The second part of the performance comprised selections from Mendelssohn, Beethoven, Schubert, and Mozart. The ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ the wonderfully beautiful violin movement indicating the dance of the fairies, and the exquisite flute tones at the end, was executed with rare delicacy and purity. The Allegretto from the eighth symphony by Beethoven, and most of the other selections were also finely performed. The overture ‘Vestale,’ by Spontini, portrays most powerfully first a sweet peace of soul, then the struggle with human passions, and, last, a triumphant joy that they have been conquered. A waltz, by Strauss, ‘Erste Auren [sic],’ struck us as being more tender and more full of depth than many other pieces by the same composer. Yet the greatest success of the evening was the overture, ‘Orpheus,’ by Offenbach. This performance was encored again and again, and the enthusiasm was no more than the composition merits. It ranks, undoubtedly, among the best pieces of modern times. Full of wonder, full of richness, sweetness, and power throughout, it contains, particularly, one burst of such exquisite melody, that Beethoven himself might not refuse to acknowledge it. We cannot abstain from again expressing our gratification with the direction of Mr. G. Matzka, who conducts with a vigor, an earnestness, and a deep conception of the spirit of the music that cannot fail to impart to the orchestra something of his own energy and sincerity.”