Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek
Price: $1.50; reserved seats $2.50; boxes, $9-$12; family circle, $.75
Event Type:
Last Updated:
24 February 2016
“The representation of BELLINI’S ‘Puritani’ at the Academy last evening returned Senora PERALTA to the scene of her last brief but unquestionable triumphs. As the sensitive and overwrought Elvira—who certainly loved to madness, if not to despair—she reconquered that admiration which was bestowed upon her performance of the same rôle last season. The clear and sterling voice which rung upon the air then, and lingered in the memory, poured out its fresh songs with the same results of enthusiasm and persistent encores. Sig. ANASTASI as Arturo pleased in parts, but a deficient manner takes something from an effective organ.”