Article on the return and illness of Thomas Gettings

Event Information


Record Information


Last Updated:
16 May 2016

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

06 Oct 1866

Performers and/or Works Performed


Article: New York Clipper, 06 October 1866, 206.

“Mr. Thomas Gettings, formerly with Bryants’ Minstrels in this city, but who has been with Morris and Wilson’s Minstrels in St. Louis for some time, arrived in this city last week, and is at present lying very low with the consumption at 167 East 19th street. He wishes through the columns of the Clipper to thank Morris and Wilson’s Minstrels and his citizen friends of St. Louis for their attention and kindness during his protracted illness in that city, and further desires to inform them of his safe arrival in New York.”