Central Park Mall
Harvey Bradley Dodworth
Price: Free
Event Type:
Last Updated:
16 April 2020
“After venting his spite on every species of amusement in the metropolis for the last couple of days, Jupiter Pluvius made way yesterday for the jolly face of the midsummer sun, and the visitors to the Park were favored with a gleam of fine weather. The crystal drops of the fountain on the Terrace glistened like diamonds in the fiery glances of the god of day; the lake was alive with boats and philanthropic swans; the ladies left aside shawls and umbrellas, and came out in organdies and muslins, and carriages rolled along the Drive in every direction. The music was of a particularly interesting character, and was well rendered by Mr. Dodworth’s fine band. Flotow’s well known overture to Stradella, a work of exquisite art and charming simplicity; ‘Oft in the Stilly Night,’ a solo which displayed the ability of the performer in a favorable light; the Wildauer March, by Jeschke, a composer who has already won distinction in Europe; the Carnival March, from the ballroom scene of the Black Crook; the ever welcome overture to Zampa, Die Ersten Curen waltz, one of Strauss’ best; a grand selection from Sonnambula; the Tritsch Tratsch Polka, by Strauss; St. Pat’s Quadrille, by Laureat, redolent with Hibernian airs; a scena and aria from Don Sebastian, Donizetti’s weakest and least interesting opera, and Faust’s Wildfang Galop, formed the programme. The usual salutatory Park March and finale, Home Thoughts, by Dodworth, were also played. The horrible weather of the previous day must have exercised a depressing influence on the Park habitues, for there were not as many visitors there yesterday as might be expected on such a beautiful day. The lady with the straw, the marabout belle, and the swan that is rehearsing ‘Beautiful Dreamer’ for its dying song, were there. Some thoroughly classical pieces will be on the next programme.”