Article on the New Yorker Allgemeine Sängerbund.

Event Information


Record Information


Last Updated:
21 May 2016

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

17 Aug 1867

Performers and/or Works Performed


: New-Yorker Musik-Zeitung, 17 August 1867, 25-26.

This article was written by a member of the N.Y. Sängerbund: “How can the New Yorker Allgemeine Sängerbund” be elevated from the level they are currently on? How can it attain the reputation and recognition it used to have?” The writer comments further (summary): “It is the unfortunate truth that Germans in large groups do not get along for too long.” Intrigues, self-centeredness and greed have taken over in the Sängerbund and have lowered its status. In these days the world strives for unification, and in the West and North of the United States singers have united beautifully. Only here in New York this seems to not happen. In order to resurrect the Sängerbund, first and foremost the finances have to be in order again. The men of the board have to be carefully selected. A good administration holds a cooperative together.

Because the membership of the Sängerbund is spread widely over the city, it is suggested to form two Sängerbunde. Moreover, it would be helpful if all choruses support the Sängerbund and join it in its endeavor to reorganize. It has a lot of attributes that can bring them back: a beautiful flag, a good piano, and other musical instruments and a charter. The author believes that if things go well, these attributes should be available to be used for all choruses in New York.