Charley White Company

Event Information

Mechanic's Hall

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
27 May 2016

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

15 Oct 1866, 8:00 PM
16 Oct 1866, 8:00 PM
17 Oct 1866, 8:00 PM
18 Oct 1866, 8:00 PM
19 Oct 1866, 8:00 PM
20 Oct 1866, 2:30 PM
20 Oct 1866, 8:00 PM

Program Details

Christian Holm appeared only on 10/15/66. See review in New York Clipper.

Performers and/or Works Performed


Advertisement: New York Herald, 15 October 1866, 7.
Announcement: New York Herald, 15 October 1866, 4.

“Charley White’s Minstrels and Combination Company, at Bryants’ Mechanics’ Hall, Broadway, has been reinforced by what may be justly termed a dazzling novelty in the person of Herr Christian Holm, ‘the Fire King of Denmark,’ a youthful wonder, who promises to resist the heat of red hot iron with his teeth, bare arms and feet at his very first appearance this evening. Mlle. Galletti and Mons. Cardella, the attractive dancers are in the second week of their engagement. The romantic ballet, the Painter’s Illusion, with many amusing pieces, will be presented.”

Advertisement: New York Clipper, 20 October 1866, 224.
Announcement: New York Clipper, 20 October 1866, 222.

“Charley White introduces to his patrons every evening this week a real curiosity – a young man named Herr Christian Holm, who, we are told, will take an iron bar, and, while it is red hot, place it in his mouth and bite a piece of the iron off. Among his other startling feats are those of placing his bare feet on a red hot plate of iron, and laying a red hot shovel on his naked arm. Let’s all go and see this Salamander.”

Advertisement: New York Herald, 20 October 1866, 7.
Announcement: New York Herald, 20 October 1866, 5.

“Charley White’s Minstrels and Combination Company will be out in full force in matinee performances of very varied attractions, at half-past two o’clock, at Bryants’ Mechanics’ Hall, Broadway.”

Review: New York Clipper, 27 October 1866, 230.

“That red hot act, announced at Charley White's last week, proved rather a cool affair for the audience, judging from the manner in which the performance was received. What the man did was all right, but so much time was occupied in getting his irons hot to do the act that the audience had their patience tried to its fullest extent. The consequence was that after the second night the manager was obliged to take him off. Galetti, undoubtedly one of the most finished danseuses of the French school at present on the stage, was the principal attraction throughout the week. The 'Shadow Pantomime' was the afterpiece. The house is crowded every night, and the manager is making a little fortune.”