Black Sheep

Event Information

New-York Theatre (1866-69)

Price: $.50

Event Type:
Play With Music

Record Information


Last Updated:
20 June 2016

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

15 Jul 1867, 8:00 PM
16 Jul 1867, 8:00 PM
17 Jul 1867, 8:00 PM
18 Jul 1867, 8:00 PM
19 Jul 1867, 8:00 PM
20 Jul 1867, Matinee
20 Jul 1867, 8:00 PM

Program Details

Maeder's first appearance in two years.

Performers and/or Works Performed

Text Author: Maeder
Participants:  Charles T., Jr. Parsloe (role: Jim Swain, London street boy);  Rose Eytinge (role: Harriet Routh);  Frederick George Maeder (role: George Dallas);  D. H. Harkins (role: Stewart Routh)


Advertisement: New York Herald, 14 July 1867, 12.
Review: New York Herald, 16 July 1867, 3.

No mention of music.

Review: New York Post, 16 July 1867, 2.

“Miss Rose Eytinge returned last night to the stage of the New York Theatre, and was warmly welcomed by a large audience. She appeared in a dramatization of Mr. Edmond's [sic] Yates’s novel of 'Black Sheep,' and rendered the part assigned her with her usual fidelity and effectiveness….”

Review: New York Post, 19 July 1867, 2.

Brief: “Miss Rose Eytinge continues to win new honors at the New York Theatre, in 'Black Sheep.'”

Review: New York Clipper, 27 July 1867, 126, 2d col., middle.

No mention of music.