Charley White Company

Event Information

Mechanic's Hall

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
13 June 2016

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

22 Oct 1866, 8:00 PM
23 Oct 1866, 8:00 PM
24 Oct 1866, 8:00 PM
25 Oct 1866, 8:00 PM
26 Oct 1866, 8:00 PM
27 Oct 1866, 2:30 PM
27 Oct 1866, 8:00 PM

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka Scenes at the Hippotheatron


Advertisement: New York Herald, 22 October 1866, 7.
Announcement: New York Herald, 22 October 1866, 4.

“The members of Charley White’s Minstrels and Combination Company are cast in another ‘monster bill’ for this evening. The following favorite artistes enter the first of their appearances at the establishment: - Harry Burchard, the ventriloquist and ‘Master of Comicalities,’ George Warren and George Winship, comedians, and George Edeson, a comic vocalist. A very ample bill will be exhausted by the production of an amusing sketch called the Hippotheatron and Arab Troupe.”

Review: New York Herald, 23 October 1866, 7.

“To say that Charley White’s was crowded is to say nothing novel. A new bill containing added attractions was presented last night, in which Harry Burchard, ventriloquist, Geo. Warren and Geo. Winship, comedians, and Geo. Edeson, comic vocalist, made their first appearance. The exhibition of ventriloquism is a feature, and was also quite a success. Warren, Winship and Edeson were also well received, Edeson and Winship, the former in a comic song and the latter in a banjo solo and song, receiving double encores. Nelse Seymour, Charley White and Frank Kerns were happy as ever in their characteristic and clever negro delineations. In spite of the extravagance of some of these exhibitions, they are singularly correct and true to nature. Les demoiselles de ballet excited the admiration of the audience by their graceful movements in La Sylphide and Diable a Quatre without offending their sense of propriety by too great scantiness of attire. It is submitted, however, that there is neither too much of amitatory [sic] exhibition. Man was not made, nor woman either, to walk on the ends of their toes; and witnessing too much of this kind of thing is apt to create a painful feeling – a chilling sense such as accompanies the knowledge of others suffering – calculated to interfere with a thorough enjoyment and appreciation of the ‘poetry of motion.’ The young ladies deserve all praise, but they are a little overworked. The entertainment ended with an appropriately named ‘extravagantly funny sketch’ – the Hippotheatron.”

Announcement: New York Herald, 27 October 1866, 4.

“Charley White’s Minstrels and Combination Troupe will be out in force at Bryants’ Mechanics’ Hall, Broadway, in an elegant matinee entertainment, which is to commence at half-past two o’clock.”