Landmann’s Hamilton Park
R. Langenbach [cond.-prop.]
Event Type:
Band, Choral
Last Updated:
2 September 2016
The event attracted a large audience. The band played concert and dance music alternately. In the intermissions the Quartett Club sang several songs. (…)
The only chorus that performed at the NewYork Quartet Club’s evening entertainment event, to which all NewYork choruses were invited, was the host itself. The chorus has gained quite some recognition for its performance at the Philadelphia Chorus Festival. The performance at this event was just as praiseworthy. The first piece was Beschnitt’s “Das Schifflein”, which is not as well-known here, and it has two solo parts that were performed by Koch, baritone, and Langenbach, tenor. Koch sang his part with sweetness, even in the subtle nuances; however, when the tenor entered, the supporting voices showed some insecurity. The conductor had the challenge of singing the solo part at the same time as conducting.
The following winning piece (awarded at the competition) by Fisher: “Der Studenten Nachtgesang” [“The night song of a student”], is a fresh light composition with the main effect in the difficult transition into the “Gaudeamus igitur.” Although it was excellently performed here, it was more effective in Philadelphia.
The third piece was Abt’s “Mainacht” which has a charming tenor solo. The singers seemed not well prepared for this work.
The finale was Schröder’s “Soldatenliebe” [“Soldier love”], a well-known, yet always appealing work. The solo at the end stirred the audience to loud applause. In addition, the singers Langenbach and Staut sang the “Kriegsduett” [“War duet”] from Belizar. However, this piece was not appropriate for the large hall in the hotel.