San Francisco Minstrels Hall
Event Type:
Last Updated:
15 November 2024
“San Francisco Minstrel Hall is a highly popular resort, and certainly Messrs. Birch, Wambold, Bernard and Backus conduct the affairs with remarkable spirit. The style of entertainment they present differs in many respects from that of other minstrels, and is highly amusing. With but very few changes the programme for the current week continues the same as that of the past.”
“Good nonsense is a legitimate source of fun, and the San Francisco Minstrels present a capital entertainment of nonsense every evening in their happy burlesques of character, their merry conversations, and their absurd parodies on the popular themes and dramas of the hour. The attractiveness of a good song is not omitted either, and this is given in the richest tones by Mr. Wambold. In the farcical scenes of every-day life which Birch and Backus illustrate, Mr. Birch recalls the unctuousness of Burton more than any comedian since Burton's time. Backus is also provoking as a farceur, and Mr. Bernard, who assumes the aristocratic airs for the band, is simply irresistible.”
“The San Francisco Minstrels are attracting large audiences to their hall. This is not strange, however, for Messrs. Birch, Wambold, Bernard and Backus are prominent in the front rank of the minstrel profession, and they have surrounded themselves with artists of undoubted ability; consequently, the entertainment is invariable highly enjoyable. The programme offered the past week was a most excellent one. In the first part Wambold sang Donniker’s beautiful ballad of ‘Chimes of Bells,’ which was most deservedly encored. He also sang another ballad in the olio, Charley Backus did his imitations of actors of note, including Dickens in one of his readings, finishing with a gay speech of ‘Now I’m off for England with $100,000.’ He also gave an imitation of Gen. Grant by striking an attitude and exclaiming ‘Smoke.’ Bernard and Rice did a scene from the opera of ‘Norma,’ which was done in true burlesque style. Birch was very funny in a new break neck act by Charley Morris, called ‘My Uncle Christopher,’ assisted by Mr. Bernard. Bobby Newcomb’s songs and dances appear to please the audiences very much, as he is encored from four to five times each evening. He also appeared in the song entitled ‘On the Beach at Long Branch,’ which he impersonated very cleverly in female attire.”