Theatre Comique

Event Information

Theatre Comique [1867- : 514 Broadway]

Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville

Record Information


Last Updated:
15 September 2017

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

04 May 1868, 8:45 PM
05 May 1868, 8:45 PM
06 May 1868, Matinee
06 May 1868, 8:45 PM
07 May 1868, 8:45 PM
08 May 1868, 8:45 PM
09 May 1868, Matinee
09 May 1868, 8:45 PM

Performers and/or Works Performed

aka I'm Captain Jinks of the horse marines
Composer(s): Lingard
aka Guinea pig boy
Composer(s): Lingard
Text Author: Lingard
aka Slotchen Otchenberg
Composer(s): Lingard
Text Author: Lingard
aka As through the park we go; As thro' the park I go; All through the park I go
Composer(s): Lingard
Text Author: Lingard
Participants:  William Horace Lingard
Composer(s): Lingard
Text Author: Lingard
Composer(s): Lingard
Text Author: Lingard


Advertisement: New York Herald, 03 May 1868.
Announcement: New York Herald, 04 May 1868, 7.
Review: New York Clipper, 09 May 1868, 38, 2d col., bottom.

“The three latest accessions to the Theatre Comique Company—Messrs. Lingard, Hilton and Airec—have become great favorites with the audiences, and appear nightly in a change of programme. Mr. Lingard sang the past week his original song of ‘As thro’ the Park I Go,’ in female attire, and it promises to become as popular as his song of ‘On the Beach at Long Branch,’ which is being whistled about the streets and sung in a great many other places of amusement, as well as the Free and Easies. Mr. Lingard is now in his fifth week at the Comique, and announces a change in his songs for the current week. Mons. Airec, who came over from England with the Hanlon Combination, appeared the past week in his aerial act entitled, Aerevolante, which he performed with considerable ability. He is a very daring and graceful gymnast, and does his act apparently with ease. Hilton’s ventriloquism takes well. Lew Brimmer’s banjo solos, Helene’s dancing, together with the balance of the programme offered, make up a most excellent variety entertainment.”

Advertisement: New York Clipper, 09 May 1868, 39.

(Adds Alice Seidler, vocalist)

Review: New York Clipper, 16 May 1868, 46, 2d col., top.

“Alice Siedler has made a favorable impression as a vocalist. Her collection of songs are [sic] new, and she has a very pleasing appearance while on the stage.  Every word she utters can be distinctly heard, and she is in possession of a good voice for her vocation.”  [2d col., bottom:] “Frank Kerns first appears as the swell with the song of ‘Bitter Beer,’ and his make-up and singing is a capital take-off on Lingard. He has caught the peculiar walk and actions of that performer exactly. Bill Sheppard then quickly follows with the song of ‘Captain Jinks’ and although his voice is not exactly suited to it, yet he does very well, imitating Mr. Lingard very closely in his walk.  Frank Kerns then appears in female attire, with the song of ‘As Through the Park I Go,’ followed by Sheppard as the ‘Guinea Pig Boy;’ Kerns as the ‘Hat Vender,’ and finishing with Sheppard as the lovely damsel who sings ‘On the Beach at Long Branch.’ Although the last named is the poorest imitation of the lot, yet taken as a whole the sketch is very successfully performed.”