Event Type:
Last Updated:
14 September 2017
“‘La Grande Duchesse’ will, of course, be played at the matinée. The title rôle is now played, and very charmingly, by Mlle. Fleury. The vivacious and eccentric Tostee has been quite seriously indisposed. Ever since her arrival in this country she has suffered more or less from a throad trouble, and her several indispositions have always been traced to this prolific source of discomfort. Yielding at length to the advice of her physician, she has recently had the tonsils removed. From this operation she is so rapidly recovering that only yesterday she was able to attend the regular rehearsal of ‘La Bell Helene.’ What is better still, it is not likely to have any bad effect on her voice. On the contrary it will relieve her from a sensitive source of trouble and remove the anxiety of the public on the subject of her regular appearance.”