Articles and announcements on the return of Lucille Tostée

Event Information


Record Information


Last Updated:
31 August 2018

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

03 Aug 1868

Performers and/or Works Performed


Article: Courrier des États-Unis, 03 August 1868.

Synopsis of humorous entry:

Mlle Tostée will be coming back soon—the beginning of next week, Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. Everyone will rejoice—there will be a monster rally at Union Square where they’ll have fireworks, they’ll sound the Carillon at Trinity Church, the aldermen will parade in $1000 gloves, the Germans will consume 20,000 barrels of beer, and the Irish 40,000 gallons of whiskey. We don’t yet know what she’ll be performing.

Barbe-Bleue still has 4-6 weeks to run; the Grande-Duchesse will return.

Article: New-York Times, 13 August 1868, 4.


Mlle. Tostee, the inimitable, returned to America on Tuesday, in the steamship Ville de Paris. She is thoroughly well in health, and eager to renew her American triumphs in opera, and no one doubts that she can readily do so. We shall not, however, have the privilege of being the first to greet her on her return. The success of ‘Barbe Blue’ is so perfect that it would be folly in any way to interfere with it. Mr. Bateman, moreover, has a double company, and he proposes to put Mlle. Tostee at the head of a flying column, and move at once upon the adjoining cities. The lady’s fame is so well established that she will find hosts of friends wherever she goes.”

Announcement: New-York Times, 16 August 1868, 5.

Brief. “Leonard Grover will be the manager of Bateman’s traveling French Opera Troupe this Fall, with Tostee as principal card.”

Article: New York Clipper, 22 August 1868, 158.

Mlle. Tostee arrived in New York from Europe on Aug. 11 and will be the star of Bateman’s traveling Opera Bouffe Troupe. . .