Delegate Meeting of the New Yorker Allgemeiner Sängerbund

Event Information


Record Information


This event is still undergoing additional verification.

Last Updated:
4 September 2018

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

12 Aug 1868, 8:00 PM

Program Details

The New Yorker Allgemeiner Sängerbund does not seem to have performed at this meeting.

Performers and/or Works Performed


Article: New-Yorker Musik-Zeitung, 12 August 1868, 24.

In a delegate meeting of the NY Allgemeine Sängerbund on the evening of the 12th at 8 pm…a date for the Sängerbunds’ concert and ball was decided upon, which is November the 15th…The first rehearsal will take place on August 30th; the music will be distributed on the 20th. The pieces “Der Schwur auf dem Rüttli” and the “Freiheitsmarsch” will be among the performed works.