Article on the improving quality of New York City minstrelsy

Event Information


Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
18 October 2018

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

29 Aug 1868

Performers and/or Works Performed


Article: Boston Daily Evening Transcript, 29 August 1868, 4.

“Bryants’, the San Francisco and Kelly & Leon’s minstrel companies have one and all undergone a thorough ‘reconstruction’ during the present season and their main object and aim now seems to be to elevate the tone and standing of minstrelsy in this city. In this we wish them all success, for their labors here cannot otherwise than have a good effect throughout the entire country. They have of late all shown a marked improvement in the style and quality of their entertainments and in the manner of mounting and bringing out their laughable afterpieces, which, by the way, are to be produced in a better style this season than heretofore.

[Paragraph about New York City minstrels performing in Washington, D.C.]

Kelly & Leon’s Minstrels will open their ‘reconstructed’ hall with a reconstructed company on Monday evening next, with their new burlesque entitled ‘Bar-Ber-Blu.’ This burlesque is said to be extravagantly funny, and is the work of Mr. Leon, who will himself play the part of Bullyette, and whose imitation of Mlle. Irma promises to be one of the great features of the piece. It will be given in a style entirely new to the minstrel stage, with a company and orchestra numbering over sixty persons. The music of the original ‘Barbe bleue’ will be strictly adhered to, and the dresses will be closely copied from theose worn by the artists in the opera bouffe at Niblo’s Garden.

The San Francisco Minstrels are likewise preparing themselves for a grand splurge on Monday evening, and have been for weeks busily employed in fitting up their neat hall, in order to receive their friends with éclat upon that occasion. Their large temple has been completely renovated from floor to ceiling, the audiotirum recarpeted, new scenery placed upon the stage and additional talent added to the already strong troupe. The new musical burletta of ‘Barber Brown, or the Pacific Sloper,’ written expressly for this company, will be the principal attraction on the opening night.”