Theatre Comique [1867- : 514 Broadway]
Event Type:
Play With Music
Last Updated:
16 May 2019
“Nelse Seymour, while attempting to do the leap, like Harlequin in the pantomime, met with quite an accident at the Spencer Surprise party on March 25th. It appears that Johnny Mack, Nelse Seymour and James Maffitt bantered each other to make the run of the lobby of the theatre and leap through the small window in the rear end of the box office. Johnny Mack successfully accomplished it, landing himself sprawling on the box office floor. Nelse’s turn came next, and although he went through, his head struck against the window sill, tearing the scalp and causing an ugly and painful wound, so much so that he was unable to perform the following night. Maffitt did not make the attempt after this. The window is too small for feats of this kind. On Saturday, the 27th, Mr. Seymour continued confined to his bed, and the wound is more serious than at first supposed.”