Tammany Hall
Price: $1 reserved orchestra chairs; $.75 reserved orchestra circle; $.50
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
16 May 2019
“The Double Somersault Feat.
To the Editor of the New-York Times :
While perusing your valuable columns this morning I observed a notice commencing with fit ‘entertainment for man and brute,’ after which you allude to the somersault I am to effect on Monday evening. You take rather a serious view of the question, when it is simply to me a matter of every-day work. Every man has his profession, and by earnest practice tries to perfect himself in it and all its bearings. My brothers and myself have, by dint of hard work and constant practice, brought this feat, hitherto considered impossible, to a certainty for us, although it might be suicide to the inexperienced. In accordance to the wish of the public we intend to work with a net beneath us, so as to set everybody’s mind at ease with regard to our safety. Hoping you will find space for these few lines, and that you will personally pay us a visit and judge for yourself, I remain your obedient servant, ALBERT GREGORY.
The Tammany, March 28.”
No mention of music. “…A man who was in the least inclined to nervousness would characterize the performance as foolhardy. Those who like to feel as though some one had struck them a smart blow in the stomach had better visit Tammany before the boy’s career is terminated there.”
Discusses trapeze feats of the Gregory boys; no mention of music.