Olympic Theatre
Price: $.75; .50 children; $1 balcony
Event Type:
Play With Music
Last Updated:
16 June 2019
“‘Humpty Dumpty’ at the Olympic bids fair to outlive the present generation. Never before in this country did any similar spectacular piece of ‘dumb show’ and foolery achieve such a splendid success or attain such an unprecedented run. Satin slippers by the shipload have been used up by the prancing coryphees and premieres danseuses since the pantomime was first brought out, while each of the leading characters in the piece has worn several suits of clothes threadbare, and the prospects for a still further demand upon the consumer are favorable. About Christmas ‘Humpty Dumpty’ will undergo a thorough reconstruction, when several new scenes and numerous new tricks will be introduced in the piece. This evening will mark the 283d representation of this unequalled pantomime.”
“Humpty Dumpty is forty weeks old and talks Latin already, to wit, (to quote an advertisement:) “Humptius in muro, sedebal Dumptius alto, Humptius e muro Dumptius hen oecidit.” Which, being translated means, “H.D. is still all the go, though many wouldn’t credit it.”
“That Humpty Dumpty has been the best production of its kind ever witnessed in this city and has received over and over again the most convincing proofs of its perfection is in its simplicity, and years hence the juveniles of today will recall with pleasure the unalloyed enjoyment with which they first beheld the enchanting scenes, the gorgeous array, the blithesome fairies, the tricks, jokes, and rattling fun, and the hard blows of brickbats which poor Fox endured for their merriment. Humpty Dumpty has now reached its three hundredth performance, but a seat in the Olympic after eight o’ clock is yet difficult to secure.”“That Humpty Dumpty has been the best production of its kind ever witnessed in this city and has received over and over again the most convincing proofs of its perfection is in its simplicity, and years hence the juveniles of today will recall with pleasure the unalloyed enjoyment with which they first beheld the enchanting scenes, the gorgeous array, the blithesome fairies, the tricks, jokes, and rattling fun, and the hard blows of brickbats which poor Fox endured for their merriment. Humpty Dumpty has now reached its three hundredth performance, but a seat in the Olympic after eight o’ clock is yet difficult to secure.”
The theater was so crowded on Thanksgiving evening that Manager Tayleure marched ticket holders for orchestra seats around to Crosby St., in the back door of the theater, and over the stage to their seats. Receipts for the day: $3,527.