Article on musical gossip

Event Information

Academy of Music
Wood's Museum and Metropolitan Theatre
Theatre Comique [1867- : 514 Broadway]
Fifth Avenue Theatre (1867-73)

Record Information


Last Updated:
26 October 2019

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

10 Jun 1869

Performers and/or Works Performed


Article: New-York Times, 10 June 1869, 5.

The many ellipses are part of the original article; nothing from the original is excluded here. “The pantomime burlesque troupe, now performing at Wood’s Museum, occupies the Theatre Comique on and after Monday….Mr. Geo. Holland denies the report concerning his intended retirement from the stage. He will seek elsewhere than at the house with which he has been identified for the past three or four years an engagement the management of that place has not proffered him…..A season of French opera will soon be commenced at the Academy of Music by the French troupe, until the re-recently [sic] performing in New-Orleans….The Fifth-avenue Theatre has been rented for the term of one year to Mr. J. Augustin Daly. The rent of the house—if the item be of interest—is $27,000….Miss Lisa Weber sailed for Europe Saturday. She returns in the Fall with a troupe of English comedians.”