Articles on the activities and personality of Henry Palmer

Event Information

Niblo's Garden

Proprietor / Lessee:
Henry C. Jarrett
Henry Palmer

Manager / Director:
Henry C. Jarrett
Henry Palmer

Record Information


Last Updated:
28 December 2019

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

30 Jun 1869
03 Jul 1869


Article: New York Herald, 30 June 1869, 4.

“The jovial, jocular Harry D. Palmer, of Niblo’s, the very pink of fashion, and likewise the most successful conjuror of the short-skirted ballet in this city, despite the sultry weather, still maintains his good nature, his nonchalance and his avoirdupois all undiminished, and even finds time, during his alternate trips between the seashore and the city, to add considerably to his business. Everything that the natty Harry takes in hand invariably succeeds, as witness, for instance, the prosperity of Niblo’s, of Tammany and the Westminster Hotel. All three are good in their way, and as a general thing the ‘bill of fare’ at each is admirable. Yet there is just one thing, however, that the smiling Harry don’t like, and that is to be told by some poor devil of a critic that some of the plays produced under his management might have been much better without seriously hurting them. ‘The Bismarck of the ballet’ should not permit such trifles to ruffle his serene temperament, especially during the summer solstice.”

Article: New York Herald, 03 July 1869, 5.

“There is still a faint hope that Niblo’s may yet be redeemed and converted to the worship of the ‘legitimate,’ instead of longer following after false and ‘Crook’-ed gods. For a long time the adamantine hearts of its luxurious critics and the pleadings of a virtuous public, but their hearts of late, we rejoice to say, have felt the chastening influence of sweet morality, and their consciences likewise have suffered the bitter stings of the remembrance of Gotham’s early innocence and their own infantile simplicity. The natty Harry Palmer, the very head and front of the nude drama offending in this country, as he sips his ‘Mumm’ and perspires over new ‘effects’ for sensational dramas, is ‘mum’as regards his future movements among the short-skirted nyphs; but the complacent Jarrett—also a Harry—utterly refuses longer to bow in meek submission to the adoration of the ‘fatted (padded) calf’ of the gorgeous ‘spectacular.’ He forswears centipedal extravagances of every nature, and will have nothing whatever hereafter to do with such ‘abominations,’ even if they do happen to be cloaked in pink fleshings, gauze and fringe. Moreover, he contemplates entering the dramatic field at an early day, in the capacity of a missionary, and will devote his time, talents and money—with each of which he is plentifully supplied—to the good cause of rescuing the ‘legitimate’ from the dire destruction which even now threatens it. While we wish Mr. Jarrett every success in his praiseworthy undertaking, we cannot but deplore the fact that Mr. Palmer, his joint partner in the ‘leg business,’ has not also buckled on his armor for the cause of the degenerated ‘legitimate.’ But, as the sailors say—not yet ancient mariner Sinbad—‘the wind sometimes comes out from unexpected quarters,’ we will still trust for Harry’s conversion, believing that ‘while the lamp holds out to burn,’ &c.”