Articles on New York’s representation at a major choral festival in Baltimore

Event Information


Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
25 January 2020

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

02 Jul 1869
06 Jul 1869
08 Jul 1869
09 Jul 1869
12 Jul 1869
13 Jul 1869
13 Jul 1869
14 Jul 1869
15 Jul 1869
16 Jul 1869
17 Jul 1869
21 Jul 1869
22 Jul 1869
24 Jul 1869
31 Jul 1869

Program Details

See also event entries of: 07/08/69: Deutscher Liederkranz Rehearsal; 07/15/69: Article on the leadership and membership of the Deutscher Liederkranz; 07/16/69: Article on the joyful nature of German singing festivals in America; 07/17/69: Article on recent travels of New York singing societies.

Performers and/or Works Performed


Article: New-Yorker Musik-Zeitung, 02 July 1869, 760.
Article: New York Herald, 06 July 1869, 3.

Extensive article about the Northeastern Saengerbund’s preparations to celebrate their biannual music festival in Baltimore

Article: New-York Daily Tribune, 06 July 1869, 8.

Extensive article about the Northeastern Saengerbund’s preparations to celebrate their biannual music festival in Baltimore.

Article: New-Yorker Musik-Zeitung, 09 July 1869, 776.

Spans multiple pages; one section specifically addresses New Yorkers’ activity at the festival.

Article: New-York Daily Tribune, 09 July 1869, 8.

“The New-York German Liederkranz met last night in their club rooms at No. 31 East Fourth-st., for the purpose of having their last rehearsal before going to the great Saengerfest at Baltimore. The Liederkranz is the largest Society connected with the New-York Saengerbund. They number 80 well trained male singers. The Club numbers somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,100 members. At the present time the club-rooms of the Society are undergoing extensive repairs and enlargement. They have purchased the building adjoining on the east, and design extending their Concert-Hall the width of the two houses. This hall, when completed, will be 100 feet long and 50 feet wide, and will be ready for use by the 1st of September. The dining and refreshment room will occupy the basement. The musical department of the Liederkranz is under the directorship of Prof A. Paur, who has been training the singers for some time for the great Saengerfest at Baltimore next week. They leave for Baltimore on Saturday, and while there will be entertained at the Entaw House. The rehearsal last night was very fine, indeed, and concluded with their prize song, ‘Wiekamdie-Liebe [sic],’ composed by Freye [sic]. The translation is, ‘How came Love.’ Fred. Steins sings the solo parts.” (This rehearsal is also included in this database as an event entry. See 07/08/69: Deutscher Liederkranz Rehearsal.)

Article: New York Herald, 12 July 1869, 4.

"In answer to the committee of invitation from the numerous German singing societies concerned the President as promised, accompanied by his Cabinet, and General Sherman, Admiral Porter and other distinguished officials, to be present in Baltimore this evening to attend the prize singing at the Maryland Institute. The festival is the eleventh International Saengerfest of the musical Germans, and over a hundred societies will be present. Whether it is the Italian opera, opéra bouffe, a peace jubilee or a German Saengerfest, General Grant evidently is a lover of music. We can promise him, too, that at Baltimore he will learn something new of Germany harmony.”

Article: New York Herald, 13 July 1869, 6.

Suggests the festival was a success; comments extensively on German immigrant culture.

Article: New York Herald, 13 July 1869, 7.

A longer article than that on page 6 of the same day. Discusses the festival in broad terms as well as how New York was represented at it.

Article: New-York Daily Tribune, 13 July 1869, 4.

“The festival of German Singing Societies which is making Baltimore merry and melodious, gives an excellent illustration of the capacity of our adopted fellow-citizens for innocent enjoyment, and we should be glad if native-born Americans could take a little inspiration from it. [Positive review of the festival follows.]

…We are always glad to welcome these periodical gatherings, and wish there were more of them… The New-York Philharmonic Society promises [illeg…] in this city next year. Both plans are good, and both promise success. In them we see the prospect of a better appreciation of the great duty of giving up a few days now and then to rational enjoyment, and the great importance of play as a preparation for work.”

Article: New-York Daily Tribune, 13 July 1869, 5.

A much longer article than that on page 5 of the same day.

Article: New York Herald, 14 July 1869, 7.

On the morning rehearsals conducted for the evening concerts.

Article: New-York Daily Tribune, 14 July 1869, 8.

Long article about the processional and “extensive turnout of the Baltimore militia.”

Article: New York Herald, 15 July 1869, 7.

On the Deutscher Liederkranz Society in Baltimore.

Article: New-York Daily Tribune, 15 July 1869, 5.

On the awarding of prizes.

Article: New York Herald, 15 July 1869, 7.

“The judges of the prize singing of the Seangerfest were in session until after o’clock last night. Their award has not yet been made public, but it has leaked out that the prizes to the first class have been given—the first to the Deutscher Liederkranz, of New York, seventy-four singers, who sang ‘How Came Love’…”

Article: New York Herald, 16 July 1869, 5.

Brief; on closing concert.

Article: New-York Daily Tribune, 16 July 1869, 2.

Extensive article on the closing events of the festival.

Article: New York Herald, 17 July 1869, 4.

"The Liederkranz of New York has deservedly won the palm and crown at the Saengerfest in Baltimore, like Dodworth’s band at the Boston Jubilee. Thus New York is ahead in music—as she certainly ought to be, after all her years of training under harmonious influences of Italian opera, German opera, English opera and French opéra bouffe—to say nothing of the Philharmonic concerts, which have done so much to create, stimulate and sustain musical taste and to develop musical talent in our great metropolis.”

Article: New-York Daily Tribune, 21 July 1869, 4.

Article on the “deportment” of Germans in leisurely activities.

Article: New-York Times, 22 July 1869, 4.

Article on how Germans’ beer-drinking was handled by officials at the recent festivals in Boston and Baltimore. “Beer makes the better music.”

Article: New-Yorker Musik-Zeitung, 24 July 1869, 808.

Another multi-page article.

Article: Dwight's Journal of Music, 31 July 1869, 78.

A long overview of the entire festival. Notes the next is scheduled to take place in New York in 1871.