Bryants’ Minstrels

Event Information

Bryants’ Minstrel Hall (E. 14th St.)

Price: $.75 orchestra; $.50 parquet; $.25 gallery

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
8 February 2020

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

19 Jul 1869, Evening
20 Jul 1869, Evening
21 Jul 1869, Evening
22 Jul 1869, Evening
23 Jul 1869, Evening
24 Jul 1869, Evening

Performers and/or Works Performed


Announcement: New York Herald, 15 July 1869, 7.

“With the termination of next week Bryants’ Minstrels will close their hall in the Tammany Wigwam, for two weeks, for the purpose of renovation and repairs. During the interim the troupe of dusky favorites recuperate and vegetate at the Arch street theatre [sic], Philadelphia.”

Announcement: New York Herald, 18 July 1869, 4.

“Messrs. Unsworth and Eugene, two of the most popular members of Bryants’ minstrel troupe, who, like other lucky millionnaires [sic], have been rusticating during the summer, rejoin the company next week at the Arch street theatre [sic], Philadelphia. They will return to New York with the company in about three weeks for the fall and winter season.”

Advertisement: New York Herald, 18 July 1869, 12.
Advertisement: New-York Times, 18 July 1869, 7.


Advertisement: New York Herald, 19 July 1869, 2.
Review: New-York Times, 21 July 1869, 5.

Positive review; no mention of music.

Announcement: New-York Daily Tribune, 21 July 1869, 5.

“There is no truth whatever in the rumor that Mr. Dan Bryant would occupy the Waverley Theater. Moreover, Mr. Bryant has relinquished his intention of going to England. The admirers of Ethiopian Minstrelsy will, therefore, find Bryant’s Minstrels at the head of the sable army, and on their native health, as usual. This present week, however, is the last of their present season here… After six weeks of travel, though, Mr. Bryant will lead back his crows and nightingales, and reoccupy his Hall in the Tammany Building—for the regular season of 1869-70.”

Announcement: New York Herald, 23 July 1869, 4.

“Bryant’s Minstrels close their hall in the big wigwam tomorrow night for renovation and repairs, preparatory to opening for the fall season. The hall will remain closed for about three weeks, during which time the troupe of dusky favorites will endeavor to tickle the stoical ‘Broadbrims’ of the Quaker City into something like ‘appreciation’ for the grotesque and eccentric.”

Advertisement: New York Clipper, 24 July 1869, 127.
Review: New York Herald, 25 July 1869, 8.

“Bryants’ Minstrels brought their summer season to a close last night. Their hall in the Tammany Wigwam will remain closed for renovation and repairs for about three weeks, during which time the troupe will favor the appreciative Philadelphians with a round of their droll and inimitable negro eccentricities.”“Bryants’ Minstrels brought their summer season to a close last night. Their hall in the Tammany Wigwam will remain closed for renovation and repairs for about three weeks, during which time the troupe will favor the appreciative Philadelphians with a round of their droll and inimitable negro eccentricities.”

Announcement: New York Clipper, 31 July 1869, 134.

A brief announcement that the season has ended and what the company will do on the road until it reopens in New York.