Central Park Mall
Harvey Bradley Dodworth
Price: Free
Event Type:
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
4 May 2020
Long article about people in the park the previous day. Outlines the wanderings of a “young maiden” who attends the concert: “Of course she could not be happy without hearing the music, so she moves on the band by steady approaches, and takes a seat with other gushing maidens. [She meets a young man and begins conversing with him.] Between these two characters an intimacy springs up, to further observe, which the music prevents. The band began with the grand ‘Concert Signal’ and played numerous other select pieces, among which were ‘Poet and Peasant,’ ‘Semiramide,’ a selection from ‘Orphee Aux Enfers’ and ‘Fielding Galop.’ About the music stand was gathered about 5,000 people, provided with comfortable seats, housed under capacious and nicely figured awnings, which the Comissioners have had the good sense to provide. Without any boisterous manifestations the throng showed its appreciation of the music, and was quiet throughout. The young ladies fell in with the promenade along the Mall, and the excellent marches by the band produced a martial tread in the mixed army of males and females.” Continues about another section of the park.