French Theatre
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
13 June 2020
The “Second Regular Season of Opera Balls.” Lists dates of all events through the Lenten season (of 1870).
Includes directions for how and where carriages should approach the theater, how coaches should be got after the event, and charges per passenger.
“The first opera ball of the season comes off to-night at the Theatre Français. We trust the various promises of the projectors as regards the enforcement of order, no less than as insuring the gaiety and enjoyment of their visitors, may be suitably fulfilled. Should they be, the occasion may present no features to invite censure or entail regret.”
Mixed review; describes the crowd, dresses, decorations, platform, and general behaviors of the attendees. Very brief mention of music:
“The dancing began with the march entitled Les Bals d’Artistes and continued with quadrilles, waltzes, lancers, mazurkas, redowas and all the fancy figures of the jolly cancan…”