Grand Opera House
French Theatre
Manager / Director:
Clifton W. Tayleure
Last Updated:
1 August 2020
“Manager Tayleure has taken a six months’ lease of the Théâtre Français, in which he contemplates giving a season of legitimate drama, commencing in November. He received from London on Monday last all the scenery and machinery of a new sensational play, the joint production of Messrs. Henry Leslie and J.S. Clarke. This piece will probably be his opening sensation.”
“To the Editor of the Herald:—I do not know to what irresponsible rumor Mlle. Nilsson’s emphatic contradiction, which you yesterday published, was addressed, but I am quite certain she intended no denial of the authorized report of her engagement for the Grand Opera House in this city, for the simple reason that such a denial would have been in conflict with the facts of the matter. I beg leave explicitly to state that one the 7th of February last I concluded with Mlle. Nilsson a formal contract for a sixth months tour through the United States, to commence in November, 1870, and for which she was to receive 100,000 francs a month in gold, a sum equivalent to $26,000 in greenbacks. Whether or not the engagement has been made good in all its requirements of monetary guarantees I am ignorant, as my managerial control of the Opera House and of its interests ceased very soon after my return from Europe, but up to the time of my withdrawal the engagement was certainly un fait accompli. Clifton W. Tayleure.”