Academy of Music
Proprietor / Lessee:
[manager] Dryane
Manager / Director:
[manager] Dryane
Event Type:
Last Updated:
25 September 2020
“The French Opera Company appears to have come to temporary grief. Last night, when a goodly audience came to witness a promised performance of ‘Robert le Diable,’ the house was found closed, and a notice appended to the door stating that there would be no performance that evening,a nd that tickets could be redeemed the next day. M. Dryane’s company contains several artists of genuine talent, and we hope that under judicious management they may still be heard here. The operas already produced here have been given with conscientious care, and, especially in the case of ‘Lucie de Lammermoor,’ were creditably sung. As several new and interesting works were in rehearsal, it is to be hoped that the management will be enabled to resume performances. An announcement is made to-today to the effect that, when resumed, they will begin with Ambroise Thomas’s ‘Midsummer-Night’s Dream.’”