Bryants’ Minstrel Hall (E. 14th St.)
Event Type:
Last Updated:
23 October 2020
“The two minstrel companies at present performing in this city are doing the best business of any place of amusement here. The San Francisco and Bryants’ have both been well filled during the past two weeks, and on many occasions there has not been standing room at either place… [Comments on the San Francisco Minstrels] The programme presented by Bryants’ Minstrels has been replete with pleasing songs, well sung by the quartet, and comic songs by the two enders, Dan Bryant and Unsworth. In the olio, Eugene, who, in his specialties, has no living superior, gave imitations of Parepa Rosa, while Dan Bryant convulses his audience with laughter by his black statues. The departure of the blondes has left the burlesque and negro business to the minstrel boys, and the public are largely patronizing them.”