Waverley Theatre
Proprietor / Lessee:
Gilbert T. [proprietor] Reeder
Price: $.75 reserved seat, orchestra; $.50 dress circle; $.25 upper tier
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
23 October 2020
“The Waverley Theatre is once more in a state of managerial transition. Its doors were closed last evening, and they will remain so during the present week. On the 10th inst. they will again be thrown open to an appreciative public, under the experienced management of Mr. Charles White, under whose control it is expected a new lease of life and prosperity will be infused into the concern, which of late has known so many ‘ups and downs.’ Manager White will employ nothing but talent of a high order, and will himself appear more upon the stage in a series of eccentric Ethiopian sketches. The popular Charley, though white by name as well as by nature, enjoys the reputation of being one of the best black comedians in the country.”