Tammany Hall
Price: $.35
Event Type:
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
14 November 2020
“A ‘Sunday Concert’ took place last night, at the Tammany—the first, we understand, of a series, to continue throughout the Winter. The music was not strictly ecclesiastical in character, but was good of its kind, and was listened to with attention if not with reverence. The vocalists were Miss Marie Frederici, Mr. F. Himmer, and Mr. W. Formes. Instrumental solos diversified the programme. There was a violin fantasie and in the course of the evening the clarisonous cornet vied with the tempestuous trombone. The audience was overflowing alike in numbers and enthusiasm.”
“A concert was given in Tammany Hall on Sunday evening, 17th inst., when a number of talented vocalists and instrumentalists made up a pleasing programme, Levy, the great cornet player, carrying off the honors. The price was on the cheap and popular scale—35 cents to all parts of the house and no reserved seats. There was a crowded house.”