Tony Pastor's Opera House
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
16 January 2021
“ . . . Wallace and Wood, the two grotesque performers who have been performing at this establishment the past few weeks, are very clever and versatile. They appeared dressed in tight-fitting merino tights and shirts, similar to a clown’s dress, which is not very attractive, owing to the horrible ugly color worn by Wallace, and he being rather a thin man, it makes him anything but a pleasing figure. Their first act is a solo by one on a miniature trumpet, while the other plays the accompaniment on a miniature melodeon. They then give imitations on two violins of a bagpipe, after which one plays on a cornet and the miniature melodeon, while the other performs on the cornet, plays a castanet in his left hand, and with his left foot plays a triangle that is affixed to a framework on the stage. Their finish is the comic double-trick violin act.”