Young Men’s Christian Association Hall
Price: $.25
Event Type:
Chamber (includes Solo)
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
5 June 2021
“The fortunate reappearance of the sun yesterday enabled a large audience to be present at the fourth popular concert of this Association. Miss Bull and Messrs. Beckett, Levy and Mora were the artists of the afternoon. Mr. Levy’s cornet playing needs no criticism; the efforts of the vocalists require more than we have space for. Concerning the organ playing, it must be said that while Mr. Mora is a good organist and fully deserved the applause he received, the organ is made too prominent a feature of the programme. Few people after all really appreciate the difficulties of the noble instrument, and where its capacity for full and majestic harmonies is perverted by mere effects to imitate orchestral effects and to deafen one with its thunders, its manipulation ceases to be interesting and becomes positively wearisome. If an orchestra is needed it can be had; but the mere mechanical effects of base [sic] drum, kettle drum and cymbals, will never delude the spectator into the belief that the Philharmonic Society orchestra is in attendance. The management, in their preliminary scheme, said something about an orchestra; and it is time for them to redeem their promise.”