Advertisement:Courrier des États-Unis, 05 May 1863.
Announcement:New York Herald, 07 May 1863, 7.
Announcement:New York Post, 07 May 1863, 2.
Announcement:New-York Daily Tribune, 08 May 1863, 8.
Announcement:Courrier des États-Unis, 08 May 1863.
Advertisement:New-York Times, 09 May 1863, 7.
Time, price.
Announcement:New-York Times, 09 May 1863.
“‘Aroldo’ will be played for the last time.It is a feast for the eye as well as the ear.The dresses are superb, and even some of the new scenery is worth looking at.The musical portion of the entertainment is, of course, admirable.”
Announcement:New York Herald, 09 May 1863, 6.
“’Aroldo’ will be given for the last time.”
Advertisement:New York Herald, 09 May 1863, 12.
Advertisement:Courrier des États-Unis, 09 May 1863.
Announcement:Courrier des États-Unis, 09 May 1863.
“Aroldo by Verdi will be sung this afternoon at the Academy of Music probably for the last time this season.”
Review:New-York Times, 11 May 1863, 4.
“The past week was an unfavorable one for Mr. Maretzek’s operatic enterprise. Its opening was in dangerous proximity to the great ‘moving day,’ and its close, with the exception of Saturday, was moist and forbidding. Notwithstanding these circumstances the spirit of the manager was unflagging, and hence we had four splendid performances—three of them being Verdi’s new opera of ‘Aroldo,’ and the fourth of the same maestro’s ‘Ernani.’ The company was heard to great advantage in these works. ‘Aroldo’ is an opera that deserves to become a favorite with our public. It is well written, effective and popular in its character. Mr. Maretzek has produced it with great care; the dresses are thoroughly magnificent, and the scenery is as good as it can be had for love or money at the Academy. Altogether the work is a spectacle for the eye, as well as a treat for the ear. The matinée on Saturday was attended by a brilliant gathering of the fair sex.”
Review:Dwight's Journal of Music, 16 May 1863, 29.
“On Monday and Wednesday evenings, and at the usual Saturday’s matinee, Verdi’s unsuccessful opera ‘Aroldo’ was produced.Did Mr. Maretzek think that an opera that had failed in Europe, would still do for New York?If so, he was mistaken – just for once.The opera fell flatly even on the ears of the Academy audience.Except the finale to the first act, we cannot recall any portion of it that possesses Verdi’s merit.”