Church of the Messiah (1867-1930)
Event Type:
Last Updated:
13 February 2022
“...Altogether the PROGRAMME OF MUSIC was most excellent. That Easter anthem by Mozart, by the full choir—Mrs. Ficher, soprano; Miss Rushly, alto; Mr. Whitney, tenor; Mr. Shattuck, bass—‘Love’s Redeeming Work is Done,’ with a solo by Mrs. Ficher, was most beautifully sung. The gem of all, however, was the solo from Handel’s ‘Messiah,’ ‘I Know That My Redeemer Liveth,’ as sung by the same gifted soprano.
“Compared with these Italian trills are tame,
“The tickl’d ear no heartfelt raptures raise,
“Nor unison have they with our Creator’s praise.
“Succeeding this was sung ‘O Deign to Hear Us!’ by the full choir, and next, but of course with reading Scriptures and prayer intervening, was a congregational hymn.”