Church of the Messiah (1867-1930)
Event Type:
Last Updated:
26 April 2022
“…The organist began playing a voluntary on the organ—‘He shall find his flocks’ [sic]—from Handel’s ‘Messiah,’ filling the vast interior of the sacred edifice with the sweetest melody of sounds, when suddenly an unusual episode occurred. [Explains that a woman charged the pulpit and needed to be removed by police officers.]…
“The music was unusually excellent. The Te Deum by J. R. Thomas, with solos by Mrs. Ficker, Miss Rushley and Mr. Clapp exquisitely sung, and so, too, ‘Love Divine,’ a duet by Donizetti, sung by Mrs. Ficker and Mr. Clapp. After this was sung ‘Blessed are the Merciful’ (with tenor solo by Mr. C. F. Whiting), a short anthem by Mr. Edward Howe, Jr., the organist. After reading a portion of Scriptures was sung a congregational hymn.”