Advertisement:Courrier des États-Unis, 14 May 1863.
Announcement:New-York Times, 15 May 1863, 5.
“Verdi’s new and excellent opera of ‘Aroldo’ will be given here for the last time to-night. . . . The work is most admirably placed on the stage, and is presented and performed in a way that would be considered creditable in the leading opera houses of Europe.This, however, is the case with all the operas produced under the management of Mr. Max Maretzek.”
Advertisement:New-York Times, 15 May 1863, 7.
Announcement:New York Herald, 15 May 1863, 1.
Advertisement:New York Herald, 15 May 1863, 7.
“[W]hen will be presented the new and brilliantly successful opera of ‘Aroldo,’ for positively the last time with its superb cast and gorgeous mise en scene.”
Announcement:New York Post, 15 May 1863, 2.
Announcement:Courrier des États-Unis, 15 May 1863.
“Tonight, Aroldo, the new opera of Verdi, sung by Mme Ortolani-Brignoli, Mazzoleni and Bellini.”
Review:New-York Times, 16 May 1863, 4.
“An excellent performance of ‘Aroldo’ was given last night, to the usual indifferent attendance.All the artists were in fine voice, except Signore Mazzoleni, who has hardly recovered, and the work—which merits more favor than it has received at the hands of the public—was received with applause.Mr. Maretzek cannot thrive on this, and judiciously announces that the season will terminate on Monday, when Petrello’s [sic] opera of ‘Ione’ will be given, for the last time.It is clearly of no use to struggle against the stream. The public don’t [sic] want any more opera for the moment.”
Review:New York Herald, 16 May 1863, 7.
“Last evening Verdi’s ‘Aroldo’ was produced for the last time at the Academy of Music. We have already mentioned this work, and will merely add that Signor Mazzoleni was, as usual, warmly applauded throughout the performances. The grand finale of the first act was admirably rendered. It was much applauded. Signor Bellini was quite successful in his role, and received well merited applause.”
Review:New-York Times, 18 May 1863, 4.
“Four performances were given last week, namely: on Monday, ‘Il Trovatore;’ on Wednesday, ‘Ione;’ on Friday, ‘Aroldo;’ and on Saturday, at the matinée, ‘Ione’ again.There were unfortunate drawbacks to the first of these performances, but on Wednesday and Friday they were unusually excellent.If the season had run into another week, we were to have had Peri’s biblical opera of ‘Judith;’ but Mr. Maretzek has reserved this for the Fall, when he will also produce Verdi's latest opera, ‘La Forza del Destino.’”