Theatre Comique [1867- : 514 Broadway]
Proprietor / Lessee:
Robert W. [manager] Butler
Manager / Director:
Robert W. [manager] Butler
E. G. [manager] Gilmore
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
8 July 2022
“Joe Murphy, the popular California comedian, commenced an engagement at the Theatre Comique on the 18th, and appeared during the week in Ethiopian eccentricities and as an Irish comedian. His songs, with banjo accompaniment, have been favorably received, but it was in his impersonation of the character of Pat McNoggerty, in the farce of ‘That Rascal Pat,’ that he made the greatest impression. He possesses dramatic ability of no mean order, and thoroughly identifies himself with the character. He has a good brogue, sings well and dances an Irish jig neatly. His acting is quiet and natural and all his effects are produced with apparent ease, and had he the opportunity of an appearance upon the boards of a regular theatre, where he could have good support and proper adjuncts, he would very likely achieve success. The other features of the week [see above]…”