Buckley’s Serenaders

Event Information

San Francisco Minstrels Hall

Event Type:

Record Information


Last Updated:
8 July 2022

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

25 Jul 1870, Evening
26 Jul 1870, Evening
27 Jul 1870, Evening
28 Jul 1870, Evening
29 Jul 1870, Evening
30 Jul 1870, Evening
30 Jul 1870, 2:00 PM

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Buckley
Text Author: Winthrop
aka Double clog reel; Double clog exercises
Composer(s): Catlin
Text Author: Delehanty
Participants:  General, Jr. Grant
aka Lucrezia Borgia
Text Author: Byron
Participants:  Celia [vocalist] Barry (role: Lucretia)


Advertisement: New-York Times, 24 July 1870, 7.
Review: New-York Daily Tribune, 27 July 1870, 5.

“At the San Francisco Minstrel Hall, No. 585 Broadway—a place long popular as the dwelling place of mirth—Buckley’s Serenaders have entered on the third week of their Summer season. They are performing at present in a burlesque of the old story of Lucrezia Borgia—a theme that affords abundant scope to the spirit of the drollery; and they are making a great deal of harmless sport. Messrs. Cooper and Field, the comic dancers, have appeared here this week, and have added new zest to the minstrel entertainment by their trained skill and their stimulating vivacity. There will be a Matinée at the Minstrel Hall on Saturday. Buckley’s Serenaders give a performance that is suited to the season—since it is light and cheery and promotes good temper.” 

Announcement: New York Clipper, 30 July 1870, 134.