Theatre Comique [1867- : 514 Broadway]
Proprietor / Lessee:
Robert W. [manager] Butler
Manager / Director:
Robert W. [manager] Butler
E. G. [manager] Gilmore
Event Type:
Variety / Vaudeville
Last Updated:
10 July 2022
“Jennie Engle, a vocalist of more than ordinary merit, with a plump, round figure and a pretty face, has appeared during the past week in serio-comic songs at the Theatre Comique, and her great popularity has been evinced by the numerous encores she has nightly received. Her songs are all fresh and charmingly rendered. The other attractions during the past week have been an Ethiopian sketch called ‘A Man of Few Words,’ with J. C. Stewart, Add Ryman and Johnny Queen; a banjo solo and song by Billy West; skipping rope dance by the Clinetop Sisters; after which an amusing sell was perpetrated on the audience. Add Ryman announced, in a brief speech, that the managers had secured an African dwarf, who now appeared before them, when the flats were withdrawn and a dwarf was discovered mounted upon a raised platform in a sitting position, a violin solo was performed and a dance cleverly executed, which was loudly encored. At the end of the second performance the audience were completely surprised to see Johnny Hart and George Coes step aside from the back of the platform, and the African dwarf minus a head. Johnny Hart had supplied the face and legs of the dwarf, and George Coes concealed behind him, the arms. The act was cleverly performed and would deceive a mixed audience. Master Barney re-appeared in his Dutch specialities. G. W. Jester in his act of ventriloquism. The ballet entitled, ‘Warriors of the Sun,’ was repeated, and a new local sketch by J. C. Stewart, entitled ‘Our Country Cousins’ completed the performance.”