Masonic Temple Cornerstone Ceremony: Evening Entertainment

Event Information

Academy of Music

Performance Forces:

Record Information


Last Updated:
12 September 2022

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

08 Jun 1870, Evening

Program Details

To benefit the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund. See related event entries of 06/07/70: Masonic Temple Cornerstone Ceremony: Evening Entertainment Rehearsal; 06/08/70: Masonic Temple Cornerstone Ceremony. Russell, Newell, and Sawyer performed multiple unidentified piano duets.

Performers and/or Works Performed

Composer(s): Unknown composer
aka Letzte Rose
Composer(s): Traditional
Text Author: Moore
aka Irish melodies; Popular, national, and Irish airs; Hibernian songs
aka New song
Composer(s): Unknown composer
Participants:  Jennie Wade
aka New song
Composer(s): Unknown composer
Participants:  Jennie Wade
Composer(s): Unknown composer


Announcement: New York Herald, 05 June 1870, 4.

“…In the evening the lodges above named will entertain their brethren from abroad…Raymond Lodge will give a grand theatrical and musical entertainment at the Academy of Music at night, at which several of the first ladies and gentlemen of the profession will assist. Little James Speight, the infant violinist, not yet three years old, will appear at this entertainment, the entire proceeds of which will go to the Hall and Asylum Fund.”

Announcement: New York Herald, 07 June 1870, 9.

Full cast list; quite long. Partial program. Speight “will perform ‘The Last Rose of Summer’ on a single string, besides other popular airs, in which he will be accompanied by Mr. Louis Fromme with the guitar.”

Advertisement: New York Herald, 08 June 1870, 9.


Review: New-York Daily Tribune, 09 June 1870, 8.

“At the Academy of Music last evening a benefit in aid of the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund was given under the auspices of Raymond Lodge, No. 664. The entertainment was well attended, and included in its programme the pantomime of Robert Macaire, in which Mr. G. L. Fox appeared in the character of Jaques Strop. The second part of the programme was devoted to vocal and instrumental music, which was a pleasant variation, and the evening performance concluded with the comedietta of Sketches in India.”

Review: New-York Times, 09 June 1870, 1.

Brief. “…The house was comfortably filled.”