Performance Date(s) and Time(s)
20 Jun 1870, Evening
21 Jun 1870, Evening
22 Jun 1870, Evening
23 Jun 1870, Evening
24 Jun 1870, Evening
Program Details
Friday evening to benefit J. B. Studley.
Performers and/or Works Performed
Advertisement: New York Herald, 19 June 1870, 9.
Review: New York Herald, 24 June 1870, 7.
“…The inimitable delineator of Irish character, the great Carleton, whose wit and humor, songs and dances have such a mirth provoking effect, has been secured for a few nights longer.”
Review: New York Clipper, 02 July 1870, 102.
Long plot synopsis. “…William Carleton has appeared during the week in an olio consisting of songs, dances and recitations, and the entertainment has concluded nightly with a drama or farce. The business during the week has been moderate.”