Academy of Music
Price: $1; $.50 extra for reserved seat; $.50 family circle; $6-12 boxes
Performance Forces:
Last Updated:
17 December 2022
“A very large and fashionable audience occupied the Academy of Music last evening, on the occasion of the benefit performance by which the wounded in France are to profit. The pecuniary success of the affair was genuine, and its artistic interest was reasonably great. The artists who generously offered their services were Mmes. Gazzaniga, Viardi-Marti and Guzman; Mlle. Lucie Groux, a clever child-pianist, Signors Lefranc, Petrilli [Petrelli], Bacelli, and Buitrago, and Messrs. Guzman, Grard and Butler. The musical directors were Lipini, Giorza, Albites and Nicolao. Of all these persons, Mme. Viardi-Marti alone was unknown to the concert-goer until yesterday. She is a soprano singer of culture and experience, with an even but rather hard voice, spoiled by an utter absence of firmness.”
“The cheerfulness with which all the artists volunteered their valuable service, and the community abandoned its prejudices to aid such a sacred cause, cannot be too strongly commended. This benefit for the wounded French was organized by some twelve ladies, whose hearts were pierced by the sad news from abroad of the suffering wounded. It must be gratifying to them that their humane labors ripened into such abundant fruit, as was evident from such a crowded house as was to be seen last night at the Academy.
“The principal lady artists on the occasion were Gazzaniga, Viardi-Marti, Guzman and Mlle. Luele Groux. The male artists were Lefranc, Petrilli [Petrelli], Bacelli and Buitrago.
“It will not lessen the merits of all the other artists to say that Lefranc covered himself with artistic glory last evening. The voice not alone of a great artist, but of a man of genuine feeling, vibrated through the house and issued into storms of applause.
“Between the two parts of the programme we had not less than four pieces from a newly arrived Irish vocalist, Miss Rosa O’Toole. As she intends to give concerts in this country it would be premature to speak of her vocal abilities on an exceptional occasion like the present.
“At the close of the concert, a general and enthusiastic call was made for the ‘Marseillaise.’ All the artists most cheerfully responded, Lefranc taking the lead. Such unbounded enthusiasm, such an outburst of applause, such a transport of patriotic feeling has seldom before been witnessed here.”