Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Max Maretzek
Jaime Nuno
Price: $1
Event Type:
Last Updated:
1 November 2013
‘Ione,’ Petrella’s beautiful opera, was given at the matinee last Saturday with great success. The house was filled by a most fashionable audience, the display of toilets being unusually brilliant. The audience was certainly the largest of the season. As a general thing but little applause is bestowed upon the artists at a matinee; but in this instance the ladies applauded heartily.
Madame Guerrabella, as Ione, appeared to better advantage than in any other role we have seen her in. She sang admirably, dressed the character to perfection, and acted it with great discrimination and effect. She gave a different reading of the role from that adopted by Mme. Medori. Whereas the latter was fiery and impassioned, Mme. Guerrabella was all softness, and portrayed the tenderness of the loving maiden with great fidelity to nature. In the scene between Glauco and herself, where, intoxicated by the poisonous philter, he insults her, she acted admirably. Her terror and grief were depicted with artistic skill, and she was fairly entitled to share the applause which the public bestowed so heartily upon this scene. Mme. Guerrabella betrayed great judgment in making no attempt to be forcible at the expense of the tender character of the role. She sang with feeling, and her performance was all the more enjoyable. In the first act she rendered the ‘L’Amo’ admirably, and it was warmly applauded. In fact, throughout the opera she sang with undoubted success, being heard to advantage in the concerted music, and meeting at all times with evidences of the approval of the large and appreciative audience. Before speaking of the other artists we would sincerely advise Mr. Maretzek to give at least two weeks more of opera. With ‘Ione’ he can draw a succession of full houses, while, were he to produce some favorite operas as yet not given this winter, he could, we believe, revive the enthusiasm of the public and end successfully his summer season. We regret that with such attractions as he possesses he should have made up his mind to close the Academy after to-night, when ‘Ione’ will be given for the last time.”