Newcomb and Arlington's Opera House
Price: $.75 orchestra; $.60 parquet; $.75 parquet, reserved; $.35 balcony
Event Type:
Last Updated:
3 September 2023
“The superior features of the Ethiopian minstrel entertainment given by Messrs. Newcomb and Arlington, at their opera house (Twenty-eighth st., near Broadway), have several times been mentioned in these columns with emphatic praise. This is agreeable to reiterate—for the approbation is entirely deserved. Reference may, in particular, be made to Mr. William Arlington’s account of the Hen Convention; the vocalism of Mr. J. H. Surridge and Mr. H. Percy, in the ballads of ‘Sweet Chime of the Bells’ and ‘Shut the Door Softly;’ the grotesque acting of Messrs. Sam Price W. Arlington, and O. P. Sweet, in the farce of ‘Splitting the Difference;’ Mr. Walter Bray’s characteristic effort, ‘Carry the News to Mary;’ Mr. Hammond’s performance on the cornet; and Mr. Lon. A. Myers’s musical mélange with the Harmonicon. The programme at this Minstrel Hall is constantly changed, and the place itself is neat, cheerful, and well calculated to meet the requirements—as to this sort of entertainment—of the [illegible] portion of the fun loving public.”