Apollo Hall
P. A. Rivarde
Last Updated:
20 September 2023
“A very attractive concert was given at Apollo Hall by the Rivarde Musical Club, on Saturday evening. Several amateurs appeared, a débutante, Miss Anna Simon, and a well-known songstress at similar affairs, Miss Davenport, by name, being prominent. Miss Simon will be heard at no distant date at a concert for the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Hahnemann Hospital. Miss Davenport’s execution of the polonaise from ‘Mignon’ ranks with the best non-professional singing we have ever been privileged to listen to. The most substantial feature of the entertainment was the recital by M. Ranieri Vilanova, of Chopin’s polonaise de concert, numbered third, if we are not mistaken, and provided with an orchestral accompaniment supplied by a very large body of musicians, under the leadership of Mr. P. A. Rivarde. M. Vilanova’s performance of this very difficult composition was not only the fruit of an art education begun in boyhood, but the offspring of an imagination and of a fancy which the reader of Chopin must have, and of the knowledge requisite to a choice of the fit means of expression. We hope M. Vilanova’s very fascinating delivery of this capital production will soon be repeated in public.”