St. Patrick's Cathedral (Mott Street)
Gustavus Schmitz [organist/composer]
Event Type:
Last Updated:
4 October 2023
“The mass performed was by Generali, in C major; The ‘Kyrie’ opening with a chorus, followed by concerted music. The ‘Gloria’ begins with a splendid chorus, with beautiful parts for the organ, which was presided at by Professor Gustavus Schmitz, the director. The ‘Qui Tollis,’ terzetto for soprano, (Mme. Choimé), tenor (Mr. Groschel) and bass (Mr. Urcho) was the most attractive part of the ‘Gloria.’ The ‘Et Incarnatus’ of the ‘Credo,’ a trio, was well rendered by the soprano, tenor and bass, the ‘Et in Spiritum’ forming a fine solo. At the offertory, the contralto (Mrs. Unger) sang ‘O Salutaris,’ by Guglielmo, with great expression. The musical arrangements were altogether in accordance with the high reputation of this choir.”