Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Maurice Strakosch
Max Strakosch
Max Maretzek
Price: $2; $3 and 4, reserved seat; $1 family circle; $.50 extra, reserved seat; $5 box or front row of balcony
Event Type:
Last Updated:
17 October 2023
“’Martha’ was sung at the Academy of Music, last evening, in presence of a very large and brilliant audience.”
“Nothing could be more charming than the Swedish nightingale last night in the coquettish rôle of Martha. She eclipsed even the performance of the first representation of the opera by infusing into it a much greater amount of vivacity, and, if we may use the expression, ‘at home-ness’ with the rôle. It is worth the price of a box to hear her sing ‘The Last Rose of Summer.’ Miss Cary also outshone her first efforts in this rôle, and Jamet proved himself the best Plunkett on the stage at present.”