Event Information
Academy of Music
Manager / Director:
Maurice Strakosch
Max Strakosch
Max Maretzek
Price: $2; $3 and 4, reserved seat; $1 family circle; $.50 extra, reserved seat; $5 box or front row of balcony
Event Type:
Record Information
Last Updated:
30 October 2023
Performance Date(s) and Time(s)
09 Dec 1871, 1:30 PM
Performers and/or Works Performed
aka Fra Diavolo, ou L’hôtellerie de Terracine Fra Diavolo, or The Inn of Terracina
Composer(s): Auber
Advertisement: New-York Times, 06 December 1871, 7.
"Grand farewell matinee."
Review: New-York Times, 10 December 1871, 4.
“A matinée representation was given at the Academy of Music yesterday. ‘Fra Diavolo’ was the opera, and M. Capoul, Signor Ronconi, Mlle. Duval and Miss Cary were the principal artists. M. Capoul, of course, carried off the honors. His talent as a comedian and a singer had abundant scope for display in the personation of the gallant bandit. Most Italian performers deliver the music allotted to Fra Diavolo cleverly enough, but fail to present a more elaborate picture of the dramatis persona than is suggested by the notes. As in ‘La Fille du Régiment,’ M. Capoul’s acting, full of earnestness, vivacity and variety, was as conspicuous as his elegant and finished singing. His opportunities as the tenor of the opera, we need hardly say, were not overlooked. The brief verses alternating with the words of love addressed to Lady Allcash in the first act, the charming serenade in the second, and the grand scene at the outset of the third, to the text of which its full signification is rarely given, were capitally sung by M. Capoul, and were much applauded. Mlle. Duval was an animated Zerlina, with less bashfulness apparent in her demeanor than the typical peasant- girl usually exhibits. She recited her share of the score with her wonted spirit, but with frequent inaccuracy of intonation. Miss Cary’s admirable voice and excellent method—too rarely admired this season—endowed with exceptionable prominence the character, not often so fascinating, of the English tourist. Signor Ronconi’s humor and thorough command of amusing stage business were again successful in impressing the audience with the eccentricity of Lord Allcash. The representation passed off very pleasantly, though it was clear that the chorus was engaged in their first rendering of Auber’s work this season.”
Review: New York Herald, 11 December 1871, 5.
“At the last Saturday matinee Mlle. Duval made a very successful appearance as Zerlina, in ‘Fra Diavolo,’ and M. Capoul gained new laurels in the rôle of the brigand chief. The Lord and Lady Allcash of Ronconi and Miss Cary met with deserved applause. The other characters were nullified by the incompetency of the persons who undertook them.”