Vocal and Instrumental Concert; St. Mark’s Church Mission Society Benefit

Event Information

St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery

Giuseppe Nicolao [cond.]

Price: $1

Record Information


Last Updated:
31 October 2023

Performance Date(s) and Time(s)

12 Dec 1871, 8:00 PM

Performers and/or Works Performed


Advertisement: New-York Times, 10 December 1871, 7.
Review: New York Herald, 17 December 1871, 5.

“A concert in aid of St. Mark’s Church Mission Society given on Tuesday evening, at the Mission chapel, 155 avenue A, not only attracted a large, and brilliant assemblage—the noble impulse of charity, doubtless, attracting many there—but the amateur artists and performance deserved much praise. Miss Emma A. Abbott, soprano and protégé of Miss Kellogg, and whose clear, silvery notes are almost as sweet and powerful as the distinguished cantatrice under whose kindly patronage her vocal powers have reached their present high cultivation, sang several ballads in a truly artistic manner. She is certainly an artist of most brilliant promise, and, with increasing cultivation, is destined to achieve a high position in the world of song. Signor G. G. Gariboldi, basso, who possesses a voice of wonderful depth and sonority, contributed largely to the evening’s entertainment. Another protégé of Miss Kellogg’s, Mr. William Charles Towner, tenor, fully justified her appreciation of his artistic merits. Signor Freisch, tenor, who has been heard in concert before, elicited marked plaudits by his fine singing. Mr. Frank E. Smith, violinist, who has never appeared in a concert before, played with masterly skill. The performances on the piano by Signors Grieli and Niccolai were excellent. Altogether the concert was a brilliant success.”